Coffee, anyone?

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Liechtenstein Palais: The Garden in Winter

The Bird In Winter
Hornbeam Hedge
in the gardens of
Palais Lichtenstein

Gardens and Palace
slowly disappearing
behind a curtain of falling snow

Wintry Landscape
The dark seed heads and
rich brown stalks of
the Black-Eyed Susans and
the still green leaves of the bamboo
paint the snow-covered park
with soft warm colours

Mother And Child
at play in the middle
of an iced-over pond

Soft Powdery Snow
accumulates on the dried flower heads
in a bed of sedum plants

8 January 2010

Images and Text
© by Merisi 2010


  1. I know you meant 7 January 2010. Beautiful wintry pictures with great descriptions!

  2. Thank you, Pat!
    *giggles* (How did you know?)

  3. Oh, it's snowing in my brain too:
    I realized only now that yesterday was the 8th of January, not the 7th! One more mistake. ;-)

  4. The bird is a Song Thrush (Singdrossel).

  5. the statue of mother and child is simply beautiful..even with snow...

    l thank you!

  6. You make beauty out of the mundane. I love the snow covered statue. Wonderful work as usual.
    Have a beautiful weekend.

  7. Wintry landscape looks like a Monet painting.

  8. Thank you all for your kind comments!

    I have added another picture at the bottom of the post, a Song Thrush, after Maalie's comment.
    Clicking on it will enlarge as the other images will too).

    I wished I could publish larger files:

    I try to stay within 100-130 KB, a small fraction of the original size. The original Song Thrush for example has 8.2 MB (8000+ KB). There are two reasons for the smaller size:

    1 - I am paying storage fees to Blogger (4 years' worth of pictures adds up!)

    2 - Some people think nothing of stealing somebody else's work (even if they call it "borrowing", like in "borrowed from the web" - imagine if I were to borrow my camera from the web!).

    I try hard to resist cluttering up my blog with ads and the like. I have heard that there's apparently money in it, but I consciously chose to leave it what it is: A pure and simple blog, a pleasure for me to share my pictures and in turn also a source of encouragement, thanks to you all who have stayed with me throughout the years. I owe you a great deal and keeping the blog free of anything but my posts is my thank you for your generosity.

  9. No other blog can hold a candle to your elegant, beautifully crafted works of art. The latest examples are as exquisite as ever.

  10. Simply beautiful! I love the song thrush -- he has a knowing eye.

  11. ...SPLENDID...! Actually these so snowy; fresh and cold looking pictures could have been taken in another.... perhaps "vintage" - beautiful and elegant...even the little bird on the bushes.....!!!!
    Have a wonderful sunday!
    ciao ciao elvira

  12. Pretty, poor birds have a hard time in the snow.

  13. Simply magical, Merisi...Love the statue resting so quietly in the snow...and that photo of the bird? Mesmerizing! This is beautiful, tranquil and simply magnificent! You and your blog are such a gift! ~Janine XO

  14. Such beautiful images, Merisi. Really works of art. You do a marvellous job with your blog. It's always such a pleasure to visit.

  15. You know how to make, even the snow, speak.

  16. Thank you all!

    One of the many things I love about Vienna is the fact that it is so easy to find a tranquil place. I had an appointment on Nußdorfer Strasse and decided to skip lunch and walk down the Strudlhof Steps to Liechtenstein Palais. The gardens there are magical throughout the year, especially the lavender and rudbeckia beds offer a tinge of color even in the bleakest winter.

  17. It was the fourth photo that gotme. It really is beautiful, Mother and Child in the snow. Many thanks for this gift and thanks for your kind words on my blog. My space is now back on and with recharged batteries. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  18. The photos remind me a great stay I had in Vienna a good few years ago... its was September and the weather was glorious, I had taken Winter gear!!! The shops, cakes, people & galleries were wonderful. I didnt speak German and not many spoke English but we still communicated ...... marvellous. Thank you so much....

  19. Simply beautiful!!
    I agree with Jinksy above - your photos are superb!

  20. Everything is beautyful seen through your eyes.

  21. These were all fantastic...!!

  22. OUCH
    You are too brave for words.
    pulls covers over head and burrows down..


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