Coffee, anyone?

Thursday 8 February 2018

Driving Snow in the Morning
Vienna in Winter

Walking the Dog
7 February 2018

Image and Text © by Merisi


  1. A lovely sight! The dog seems to have noticed you.

  2. Keep warm! Enjoy the snow.

  3. So beautiful. Fantastic photography.

  4. Brrr....this makes me cold just looking at it.
    Sorry but it's 73F here in Sacramento area of California.
    We need rain and snow in the mountains so badly. Our snow pack isn't good for the areas water table.

  5. A beautiful capture of winter, Merisi!

  6. A beautiful photo of winter in Vienna.

  7. Yes, indeed, the dog looked towards me when I lifted my camera! @ William Kendall
    It was feeling quite cold, but the driving snow was such a beautiful sight, I had to take a walk through the park instead of heading straight to where I had to go. @ Gunn
    Thank you! @ rupam sarma and kwarkito
    I wished I could send you some precipitation in return for a few degrees of warmth! @ Photowannabe
    Thank you! @ Amy
    Lovely scene, indeed! I love walking while snow is falling. @ Loree


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