Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Buying a Christmas Tree in Vienna
The Short of it. Somewhat

How to buy a Christmas tree in Vienna
* Wait for the 15th of December when the Christmas tree lots open
* Stop at "your" farmer's lot on your way home from work -
rest assured, there is one between your tram stop and your home!
* A warm hello to the "Lord of the Trees" and a gentle reminder that none
of the trees on the lot are to your liking
* Describe in glowing detail that gorgeous tree you bought from him
last Christmas
* Allow your farmer an offer to go visit his Christmas tree woods
right that same evening and cut that one tree he knows will please you!
* Make arrangements for the tree to be delivered and set up
in your living room the next evening.
* Start decorating the tree.

Ah, Vienna! Piling your kids in the car and driving to the Christmas tree lot
and then wrestling that monster onto the roof of the car and driving home
and the whole mess of setting the tree up - all but a distant memory!

Are you ready for coffee?
Tea or chocolate?
Off to the Kaffeehaus!
Ah, Vienna.

Wandering Star and Moannie

Originally published 21 Decembre 2010
Link: -> Original 2010 post with comments
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. I'm sure the memories are a plenty, but I always wonder about the usefulness of cutting down young pine trees. I guess they are grown for this use as well. The city scenes are really beautiful. I would love to sit in a Vienna coffee house right now :D

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Lovely story, and almost believable! Well, there should be places like that! And the coffee house definitely calls to me this morning.

  3. Lovely to see!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. It looks sooooo cold there! And perfectly wonderful at Christmastime, it seems to me.

  5. Such a gorgeous sight! Merry Christmas, dear Lady! xoxo

  6. Jane Campbell21 December, 2017

    How civilized! I bought my first artificial tree this year! Still not sure how I feel about it.

  7. So nice. Loved the post & pics.

  8. Sounds super. My grandchildren would love it. I am sure the Farmer loves pleasing his clients each year :-)

  9. Sounds like a wonderful tradition.

  10. Beautiful winter scenes. Have a wonderful Christmas!


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