Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 16 June 2017

Coffee, anyone?
Großer Brauner and Punschkrapferl

Coffee, anyone?
Served the Viennese way
on a silvery tray with a glass of water
topped by a downturned spoon
at one of Vienna's grand coffee houses,
Café Dommayer in Hietzing
A short walk from Schönbrunn's west gate
13th District

Image and Text © by Merisi


  1. A very inviting snap, and thanks for the introduction to Punchkrapferl, I can say Grosser Brauner but I would otherwise say " the pink one, please".

  2. The treat looks delicious!

  3. What a tease...two of my favorite Viennese treats. Please, don't post a picture of a Sterne Plunder next because my heart won't take it. At least I'll be in Vienna May, 2018!

  4. How beautiful. :-) I'd love to sit down to this.


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