Coffee, anyone?

Thursday, 1 September 2016

As Languorous as a Cat Lying in the Sun
Merisi, that Last Week of August

Providentia or Donner Fountain
The River March, one of four allegories of Austrian rivers,
created in the 1739s by sculptor Georg Raphael Donner
Neuer Markt

Bloggers block, that's what I experienced this past week.
Simply could not find an image good enough, nor a reason, to post up a picture,
much less create a blog post. I think I am cured now. ;-)

Image and Text © by Merisi


  1. Could not find an good enough? Ha!

    1. I thought I had reached the end of the line. I could not even bring myself to repost an old favourite (of mine, that is). A friend had recently reminded me of "Camera Lucida" . I went back to reading it. It put me in a photo-existential crisis. ;-)

  2. Merisi, perhaps the images were playing hide and seek with you. Or perhaps, they were just taking a bit of a holiday, and wanted to encourage you to also have a little break.

    I am delighted to type Welcome Back! xo

    1. Thank you, Frances! :-)
      They say crisis of meaning are fruitful, so let's hope it to be the case.

  3. Yes, sometimes that happens. Lovely!

  4. I am not a slave to the "daily" aspect as being retired means I do what I want when I want. Plus, when I travel I cannot post to my blog, so I get out of the habit and it takes time to get back in gear. Regardless of your reason, it's always nice to see your photos.

  5. That is lovely! Wonderful sculpture and a masterful photograph.

  6. If anyone deserves a week of languor, it's you - you have shared so many wonderful moments with us, it's more than acceptable for you to kick back and enjoy August!

  7. A beautiful picture from you...always so nice visiting your lovely blog!
    Love from Titti


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