Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 25 July 2016

An Enchanted Evening
In Vienna's Josefstadt

School of the Piarists
It is through this portal - leading up from
the square in front of the church of Maria Treu -
that the eldest son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
must have stepped through many times
when he went to school here in the 1790s.
Every time I walk by
I imagine Wolfgang Amadeus waiting
by those steps to pick up his son.
So far,
I have missed him,
but who knows,
one fine day ...
I keep on looking

Maria Treu Church Square
To the left, again the school entrance,
under the old chestnut trees to the right,
the outdoor tables of two restaurants
beckon to sit down and enjoy
the feeling of being transported
to some southern land -
one of those magical places in Vienna
where you turn a corner and suddenly
are not sure anymore whether you
are now in Italy.
That feeling still takes me
by surprise, its intensity
something I'll never get used to.

Beyond the chestnut trees,
a glimpse of the white painted façade
of one of Vienna's most beautiful Baroque churches,
the Piarist Church of Maria Treu,
while under the trees
restaurant patrons enjoy
among other delicacies,
what is in my opinion Vienna's
best pizza, an authentic Italian one
from the wood fired pizza oven
of Sestante restaurant

Lingering a bit more
in the evening light,
over an espresso un caffè,
brewed from coffee beans roasted in Venice,

the shadows slowly encroaching on the church square,
the waning Golden Hour painting the sky in the bluest blue,
before ceding to the Blue Hour and then night falls,
in Vienna

Photographed 19 August 2010
Jodok Fink Platz in Josefstadt
8th District
Images and Text © by Merisi
Summer elsewhere: -> Mersad's Through my Lens


  1. Beautiful images and your text is wonderful. Walking past the School of Piarists and thinking those thoughts of what it must have been like before is priceless!
    Enjoy your day Merisi.

  2. Love these. That pink buggy absolutely nails it in the first shot.

  3. The contrast between the ancient doorway and the pink stroller is perfect in your first photo.

  4. Quite an entrance in that first shot!

  5. These photos make me want to pack my bags and be right there.
    The stroller in front of the Church is a prize picture.
    Cafe' in the evening looks just about perfect.

    1. Oops...Caffe', either spelling it looks delicious.

  6. beautiful impressions !!!


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