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Friday, 8 April 2016

Cherry Blossoms on Pink
Sunny Spring Day in Vienna

Photographed in the early afternoon
of 5 April 2016 in the 13th District
Images © by Merisi


  1. They really contrast nicely with the building. And I'm reminded seeing blossoms like this how far behind our spring is. No tree blossoms until May here!

  2. I do love the cherry blossoms although any here will probably not bloom due to the cold and snow here this month..

  3. A wonderful feeling conveyed, though I know you experienced something fine that no photograph can completely capture.

  4. Love the colors in this picture, Merisi! Very springy, indeed!

  5. Wow - so gorgeous and spring-like! Well done.

  6. Dear Merisi, thank you for this and other recent posts that features graceful flowering veils through which interesting architecture could be glimpsed. The two planes complement each other so well.

    It's a cold, rainy, possibly every snowy day here. Perhaps tomorrow I may venture over to Park Ave to see if tulips are braving these April challenges. xo

  7. Oh how beautiful Merisi… we are not quite at that point of blooming trees, but soon.

  8. exquisite ... my favorite colors


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