Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 3 February 2016

In loving Memory of Café Orlando di Castello
A Viennese Feast that ended way too soon

Originally published under the title
What you see and what you get
Viennese diversionary Tactics

A Camel Hair Overcoat
or a Livio de Marchi sculpture?

A Viennese Mélange
or an Italian Cappuccino?

A Dream within a Dream
or Café Orlando di Castello?

A storefront
or an all too clever diversionary tactic

to distract you from
that little Chocolate "ménage à trois"
I had with my coffee?

Photographed 2 April 2012
at Café Orlando di Castello
and at Fütterergasse

Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Fun shots... and that chocolate definitely is appealing!

  2. In loving memory!! A lovely post, as always, Merisi.

  3. I like your charming photo essay.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.