Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Hot Dog Stand
Vienna by Night

Image © by Merisi


  1. Tolle Farben! ♥nic

  2. Business not very busy tonight.

  3. Business not very busy tonight.

  4. What a fab picture, wonderful reflections. It's almost worth having the rain.

  5. Love the attractive colours and reflections - they make a wet evening more bearable.

  6. Oh Merisi, the colors you've found on a wet evening are dazzling. I wish I could step right over to that stand and sample a hot dog, Vienna style. (Of course, I am wondering how that might be served, and how different that style might be from the classic Gray's Papaya hot dog shop right around the corner from my home. It would be fun to sample each site's offering within the same week and do a post.

    Will no airline fund my taste test? xo

  7. Only you could make a hot dog stand look as stunning as this one. The lights, reflections, all make for quite a dramatic share. Hope you are well~

  8. James, Williamsburg, Virginia14 January, 2016

    Absolutely love this photograph. The rain and reflections are truly fantastic. I think Edward Hopper should have done a painting of this.

  9. ARE they the same as they are in the STATES?I would imagine a bit different!What a GLOWING photograph!

  10. fabulous! tho not a hot dog fan, i am a huge fan of wet reflections .. lovely

  11. Anyplace that serves Happy Noodles would get my business!

  12. nice to see, and so colorful. This kind of stands seem to disappear from Swedish streets.

  13. This is really colorful and beautiful - who'd a thought it of a hot dog stand!


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