Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Easing into Twelfth Night
Christmas in Vienna

Franciscan Church

Renaissance Façade
Dating back to 1603

Moses Fountain
By Johann Martin Fischer

Images and Text © by Merisi
Johann Martin Fischer, 1740-1820:
"Johann Martin Fischer arrived in Vienna in1760 to study under the sculptor Anton Tabota. From 1762–1766 he studied at the Vienna Academy under Jakob Schletterer. In 1785 he became a member of the Academy and subsequently assumed the post of professor of sculpture in succession to Franz Anton Zauner as well as the professorship for anatomy."


  1. Dear Merisi, how lovely that New Year's frosting looks in these Viennese views! NYC is suddenly very cold...below freezing. Our overdue wintry weather has arrived. Only rain predicted for the weekend. I'd actually prefer just a dusting of pretty snow. xo

  2. What a lovely church, fountain and street scenes.

  3. The snow's a great touch. What so often strikes me about photos of your city is how light the architecture feels.

  4. i hope snow happens here but if it doesn't i won't be too sad ... oh ok i would be sad but only because i could use some new snow photos ... your snow is lovely .. clean and white ... here its only like that till it stops snowing and then ... well .. sigh


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