Coffee, anyone?

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Piarist Church of Maria Treu
Sunday in Josefstadt

Piarist Church Maria Treu
Joseph Haydn's "Mass in Time of War"
was first performed here, on December 26, 1796.
View from Maria Treu Gasse

Photographed today at noon
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Stunning buildings Merisi, that lovely light in your pictures must follow you around. I particularly like the third one with the three trees...

  2. Merisi, this post and its immediate predecessor make a beautiful couple. This time of the year really does include some splendid moments.

    i was so glad to have only been on the work schedule for part of today. New York showed us a fine late summer's day. And...I did not have my camera with me.



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