Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Morning at Karlsplatz
Summer in Vienna

Roofline in the Morning Light
The University of Technology
View near the Resselpark exit
of the U4 Karlsplatz station

Up the hill towards
Karlsplatz and Kärntner Strasse

University of Technology
Wiedner Haupstrasse

The Secession building's golden dome
at Karlsplatz and Getreidemarkt

Photographed 23 July 2015
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. I like that shot of the U of Technology through the trees, it's a very interesting piece of architecture..

  2. It seems you are NEVER without your camera!!!WHAT A BUILDING and a CITY..........XX

  3. Karlsplatz has a great looking metro station as far as I remember. Great shots.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. I wish we were getting some nice summer weather. It's so gray and windy out right now. I'm dreaming of Vienna... (and coffee!).

  5. James, Williamsburg, Virginia30 July, 2015

    The University of Technology building is an interesting structure, but the over-scaled angel on the corners
    seem superfluous. I'm sure the Viennese have an opinion on this?

  6. have a love look at the Karlsplatz area


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