Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 2 June 2015

We'll always have a Little Paris in Vienna
French Feast at Café Le Bol

A quiet moment
great coffee

latent temptations
dreams within and beyond

and the sugar bowls,
always full

Café Le Bol
Pâtisserie, Bistro
Neuer Markt 14
-> La Carte @ LE BOL Pâtisseries * Café * Bistro * Table d´hôtes
I have had breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, alone and in company,
many many times, and it was always a feast for the senses.
I love the service, the cuisine, the atmosphere, in quiet and in busy times
Tip: Walk by and make a reservation in person, ahead of time. You'll thank me.
Photographed 31 July 2013, D800 50 mm lens


  1. I wanted to continue my "To the Market" series, but only got as far as the pictures, with no time left for text.
    Maybe a little coffee break does us all good?
    Thank you, dear readers, for always being such great cheerleaders to my blogging venture,

  2. As ever : captivating pictures and I love the links to unexpected cafes, with great menu.
    That chocolate looks so different to Demel, yet just as inviting !

    1. Thank you, Kurwenal!
      I wished I had more time to visit and photograph and publish posts about all those wonderful cafes around here that carry really great coffee and other fine things that make life around here so pleasurable!

  3. Sugar cubes seem to be the exception here than the rule. Lovely shots, Merisi!

    1. Thank you, William!
      Even though I do not sweeten my coffee, I am a total addict to those bowls filled with sugar cubes, especially the turbinado sugar, and those sugar tongues that Ms. Manner would love, too. ;-)
      I remember sugar cubes from childhood, in connection with cough drops my mamma used to give us when we came down with a bad cold.

  4. P.S.:
    No one who has not tasted Le Bol's house specialty, a cake made with nuts, reminiscent of chocolate, even so none is used, can even begin to fathom the willpower it takes NOT to have coffee with that slice of heaven! Sometimes, I am really really good. Make that brave. ;-)

  5. Wonderful, you take the simplest things and make them look so lovely and stylish Merisi...

  6. so poetic and so potent looking .. i never use sugar 'cause I'm sweet enough .. HA HA HA .. not

  7. I would taste a cube just because it is there

  8. I cannot believe that there are more cafes to visit !! How amazing , just love this place and not been yet !!


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