Coffee, anyone?

Thursday 12 February 2015

Coffee at Adelheid's
Merisi's Favorite Things

Coffee, anyone?
Double espresso with Florentine cookie

Photographed with my mobile phone
Adelheid's Luxury Cookies
Ballgasse 4

Image and Text © by Merisi

Link: -> Adelheid's Luxury Cookies


  1. You may have noticed that my camera has been relegated into the corner lately.
    Yesterday, though, walking by Adelheid's place with a friend, we like it so much that we decided to come back for coffee. And I could not resist to pull out my mobile phone and take a few pictures. ;-)

  2. I will be right there! That looks delicious.

    1. It was, every drop and every little bite! ;-)

  3. Coucou Merisi, j'aime bien venir boire et voir un petit café à Vienne avec toi !!!
    A bientôt

  4. The cookie would definitely appeal to me!

  5. mobile photography is so much less intrusive .. and your photo looks great .. Eric from Paris once stood on a stool such then he could take a photo of a coffee cup from directly above .. one of his most notorious photos (smile)

  6. Morning coffee and your post... it's a beginning of the wonderful day :-)

  7. Merisi, what an inviting picture. I can definitely smell that coffee's rich aroma. Ahh, what pleasure it would be to samle that cookie, after just a sip of the espresso.



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