Coffee, anyone?

Friday 2 January 2015

What to do for a Dunkin Donut?
In Vienna, you'll have to queue up!

Delayed Gratification
Ever since the first Dunkin Donut store
opened its doors at Mariahilfer Strasse 55,
the lines stretched out the door, spilling onto the sidewalk,
each time I walked past. Again today, at lunchtime ;-)

Image and Text © by Merisi


  1. I am frankly shocked! oh dear oh dear!
    this is not good news though I gather their coffee is quite good. Since I don't drink coffee, I don't know.
    There is a DD on our block mostly patronized by derelicts etc etc. However, they were very nice about letting us use their toilets during Hurricane Sandy when they had power and we didn't. Their doughnuts are very sweet and very greasy - i.e. pretty tasty so I never go there because if I got in the habit of it......

    Happy New Year!


    1. Better not start, with bad habits, that is! ;-)
      Happy New Year, to you and yours, Elizabeth,
      and hopefully for a Wiedersehen in 2015!

  2. I would gladly trade all of the many Dunkin Donuts that are near my house for one L. Heiner! :-)

  3. Wow, competition for your yummy Viennese coffee.
    Sometimes a good, warm...greasy donut is just what the Doctor ordered though... (:0)

  4. I've never understood why people flock to these, but then I'm not a sweet eater, so I should probably just keep my mouth shut and my keyboard locked up!! But I surely would line up for the Viennese coffee!! Hope your new year is off to a great start, Merisi!! Enjoy!!

    1. The wonders of choice, isn't it, Sylvia!
      May the new year bring you joy and love,

  5. We're infested with Tim Hortons here, but there are the odd Dunkin Donuts as well. Since I don't care for coffee or doughnuts, I never go into either.

    1. Unfortunately i have lost track of the url, but there was once a blog dedicated entirely to donuts and donut places all over the USA. i wonder if they ever encountered a Tim Horton. ;-)

  6. James, Williamsburg, VA03 January, 2015

    Say it isn't so, Dunkin' Donuts in Vienna. I'll take a piece of that Walnut Honey Cake or a Punschkrapfen
    any day over grease in a ring. Have you ever been to Boston, the home of Dunkin' Donuts? There is a Dunkin' shop on almost every corner, the most of any American city.

  7. Why? They aren't even the best donuts you can get in the U.S., and it doesn't qualify as fast food if you have to wait in that long line.

  8. isn't it interesting to see how something new attracts such crowds .. i cannot imagine that Dunkin Donuts coffee compares with Viennese café

  9. Egads, I seriously can't believe this. Makes me a little bit sad. Dunkin' Donuts coffee is the worst tasting stuff I've ever had, and I can't IMAGINE being in Vienna and going to DD (never mind waiting in LINE for it) when all of those awesome cafes are waiting to be discovered! Ah, well, I suppose there are people with zero taste all over the world, and for them - there's Dunkin' Donuts.

  10. This happened in the first weeks Dunkin Donuts opened where I lived, but a few years later they closed up shop. I never drank their coffee, but one doughnut satisfies my sweet tooth for a year:)


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