Coffee, anyone?

Monday 19 January 2015

There was Dancing on the Roof
Mystical Viennese Moments

Ghost City
Within seconds, not only the steeple
would do a disappearing act

Heaven from Earth
Open Sky

Question about Angels, answered:
Yes, they're dancing in Valentino

Photographed on 24 January 2014,
a day of idiosyncratic moments
revealing glimpses of this city's soul

Images and Words © by Merisi


  1. Oh that dress. I absolutely love Valentino.

  2. I've seen St. Stephens on many occasions here, but it seems I'm always seeing it in a fresh way through your photographs.

  3. love looking up … always a treat revealed .. the skies look very cold .. xo

  4. I always see the soul of your City in your photos.
    Beautiful...The angels were definitely dancing.

    Thanks for the suggestion about my pears. I think that sounds yummy and delightful.


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