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Wednesday 3 December 2014

Stealing Mozart Balls?
Yuletide Mischief in Vienna

One fine December morning
I was hurrying past Café Mozart

when I noticed someone had ripped
open one of the giant Mozartkugeln

hanging from the cafe's Christmas trees -
ever since, I can't sleep because
I feel that need to know whether
the thieves found real chocolate balls
or not

Photographed the morning
of 17 December 2013

Images and Text © by Merisi
More pictures captured the same morning in December ->Morning in the City


  1. Beautiful setting, but very rude of the thief!

  2. Beautiful and I agree with William. Rude Thief!

  3. Poor Mozart, but he has others so not a total loss. Maybe they were hungry?

  4. Now, I wonder whether they found real chocolate balls or not, too. ;-)


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