Coffee, anyone?

Sunday 7 December 2014

Morning by the Fountain
Viennese Moments

Some mornings
leave you feeling like Atlas
carrying the weight
of the world,
when that simple
"splash of water on the face"
turns out to be a torrent instead
and you feel as if you'll never again be
"buzzing around the house on espresso"

when your Muse
has a hard time inspiring you

leaving you
with nothing but an amphora
of plain water
to wash away

the bitterness
you felt
while sipping your espresso
this morning

on the morning
of May 11, 2010
at the fountain in front
of the Austrian Parliament
and at Demel's

The quotes -
"splash of water on the face" and
"buzzing around the house on espresso"
are from Billy Collins'
poem "Morning"

Images and text
© by Merisi

R e p o s t


  1. That is an impressive fountain!

  2. Hope you found your muse Merisi. Mine gets lost all the time

  3. Their conversation look so good. It leaves me wondering about what the artist thought they were talking about. Scandal? Love? Politics?


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.