Coffee, anyone?

Friday 21 November 2014

Liechtenstein Gardens
Vienna in Autumn Light

Nereid with Child
Cast of a 1795 bronze sculpture
with dark lead zinc patination by Franz Anton Zauner

Garden View
Windows on the palace's back façade
reflecting the autumn light

November Rose
Late autumn rose
against golden autumn light

Photographed 11 November 2014
Liechtenstein Garden Palais
in Vienna's 9th District, Alsergrund
© by Merisi


  1. That's such a beautiful sculpture!

  2. Gorgeous. Especially the rose.

  3. Simply beautiful Merisi.
    The lighting on the rose is scrumptious and I love the fluid feel of the sculpture.

  4. Remarkable photography. Your rose is beautiful. I take it the reflections of light in the windows is actually the scene behind the windows of the facade? The bronze statue is so lovely especially the tone of the bronze. Thanks Merisi

    1. Jim,
      the windows reflect the scene behind the photographer (the facade and the garden right in front were already in deep shade, while the trees were still lit by the sun, brilliantly so)


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