Coffee, anyone?

Friday 7 November 2014

Kleines Café in November
Easing into late Autumn

Kleines Café at Franziskanerplatz
Wee and grand are not
necessarily irreconcilable

Photographed in November 2014
Image and Text © by Merisi
-> In einem kleinen Café in Hernals,
a song from 1932 by Hermann Leopoldi, about a small café in the 17th District
-> About Hermann Leopoldi at Wikipedia:
Hermann Leopoldi (born Hersch Kohn; 15 August 1888 – 28 June 1959
was an Austrian composer and cabaret star who survived Buchenwald


  1. I was there! Lovely to see Kleins Cafe again. Claudia and my most favorite place.
    Happy weekend.

  2. I have been here during my stays in Vienna. A really great spot.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. What an interesting life Hermann Leopoldi led. He new how to make Lemonade out of lemons.

  4. Merisi, I do hope to visit this little gem ... someday.


  5. Quite an inviting looking establishment. To have survived Buchenwald, particularly at that age in his life, is astonishing.

  6. I love the look of the tiny cafe.
    Looks like a beautiful November day.
    No one seems to be bundled up.
    Our leaves are beginning to turn and there isn't a cloud in the sky.
    I love that, but it does mean there is no rain on the horizon either.
    We need rain and snow in the mountains so badly.

  7. I'd love to get there someday! It's nice that people are still sitting outside to enjoy their coffee.


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