Coffee, anyone?

Thursday 6 November 2014

Of Hotel Daniel's Turkish Coffee
and being out of Focus

Turkish Coffee
and a sinfully good
chocolate mousse tarte
that comes as close to
Mississippi mud pie
as you'll ever get
this side of the Atlantic -
that, plus the expectation of
Cardamom flavoured Turkish coffee,
was enough to make me forget to focus
Note to myself: next time, set the camera on "automatic"

Out of focus at the Bakery at Hotel Daniel
Landstrasser Gürtel
3rd District
Images and Text © by Merisi
R e p o s t


  1. Mmmm - so delicious!

  2. Sometimes a little blur adds to the moodiness of the picture. This time it put me in a hungry mood

  3. Oh Merisi, if I were to be served a slice of that cake, I would forget about anything else, and just focus on picking up my fork!

    That's a tabletop vision to savor. xo

  4. That cake looks much too tempting!

  5. now i am wishing i had some cake and coffee .. damn you!

    1. Girl, you can't have New York's best view and cake, too! ;-)

  6. Cardamon was one of the little gifts I brought to the folks near Pinkafeld. :)


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