Coffee, anyone?

Sunday 14 September 2014

Rain and Shine
A Viennese Morning

Rain and Sunshine
13 September 2013
7:37:15 AM
© by Merisi

Link: Bruce Hornsby, Mandolin Rain


  1. Replies
    1. Gustav Klimt's last studio is about 2 minutes away from the spot I stood to take the picture. ;-)

  2. The rain and shine created a large and beautiful rainbow over Grinzing this morning! I so very much wanted to stop the car and take a photo. I thought better of the impulse. :)

    1. Next time, ignore that little voice that keeps you from catching a rainbow! ;-)

  3. Thank zou for being such an understanding friend during my recent hard times. The worst is over, we were able to have the funeral on the 10th, the only day both our children crossed in Australia.

  4. Merisi, that is a very painterly photograph. Klimt would be so happy to have you in his neighborhood.

    Happy weekend! xo

    1. He would have wanted to add a tad of gold! ;-)

  5. On such days the rain is like liquid light.

    1. So true! I shot this at F/32, trying to capture as much as possible of the sunlight hitting the raindrops.

  6. This is absolutely brilliant Merisi! I thought that I was looking at first at a work by Monet. Absolutely stunning. Very well done. Have a Happy weekend~

  7. Such a lovely picture. Here in Mumbai, I think monsoon season is slowly drawing to an end. I've been here three months already and have another three months to go before heading back to San Francisco. I'm missing my sweet granddaughter who was born a month before I came to India.

  8. Stunning photography. Thank you for sharing.

  9. beautiful .. very Klimt-ish

  10. Dear Merisi,

    this is a great photo. It is so difficult to capture rain as such, and you even pictured a sunny rainshower.

    I want to say thank you for recommending Andrei Makine before I left to Russia. My partner read one of his smaller books at the beach at the Baltic Sea.
    Makine is such a good writer! In German we say "die Bücher haben einen Sog". You forget where you are, you totally immerse ... the best think that can happen when your connecting flight is delayed and you are grounded in Berlin Tegel.. :-)

    best regards,

  11. Merisi, here's a strange thing. I haven't got my usual blogger follower updating your your recent posts...and so, just because i felt that you'd been sending us all sorts of poetic Viennese posts in the past frew weeks, I clicked on your site...and voila...or whatever might be the appropriate Viennese term.

    Lots of lovely late summer posts from you about your beautiful city.

    Now I will be on the lookout for some future postings from you, and will check in the way I did this evening if I don't get a blogger clue, or cue.


  12. Love me some Bruce Hornsby and lovely photos!

  13. All okay in Vienna?

  14. So impressionistic! Lovely!

  15. Oh lovely! What a great nature scene!
    Best wishes for a beautiful autumn week...

  16. Sure miss your posts. Hope all is well


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