Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Summer in the City
Moving right along, coffee stop included

Horse-drawn Carriage

Coffee Stop
Coffee Noisette and Muffin
Café Le Bol

Cycle Rickshaw
Human-powered transport

Photographed June 2014
Images and Text © Merisi

-> La Carte @ LE BOL Pâtisseries * Café * Bistro * Table d´hôtes
-> Vienna Rickshaw Tours


  1. I want that coffee and that muffin RIGHT NOW when I am dealing with my insomnia -- even though the coffee would definitely make things worse.

  2. i wouldn't mind a muffin like that with my coffee this morning …

  3. Such delightful presentation of food and coffee. Simplistic beauty with the barberpole twine, plate, napkin and spoon. Certainly the opposite of standing in line for a Starbucks coffee and muffin. Thanks for sharing.

  4. It strikes me that it's an unusual looking muffin.

  5. I've never seen such a tall muffin! How fun. With a little belt tied around its waist too. And the richshaw taxi is something new to me also. Never thought of Vienna having rickshaws, but why not! Very gay with its red and white striped awning. And the two passengers have got me wondering about their stories. They are so different.


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