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Saturday 28 June 2014

St. Marx Cemetery on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary
of the Assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke
Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo

Photographed on the evening of 27 June 2014,
on the eve of the 100th anniversary
of the Assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914
St. Marx Cemetery in the 3rd District
Images and Text © by Merisi

Images and Text © by Merisi

-> 28 June 1914 @ Wikipedia
-> St. Marx Cemetery through the seasons


  1. I fail to understand a world where a murderer who started a world war, has a statue built to honour him!
    Lovely photos Merisi but I really feel sick to see the way the world has gone.

    1. I felt great gratitude while meandering under the trees while the sun was setting last night.
      After so much horror and bloodshed, the European nations have enjoyed 70 years of peace and prosperity. I hope it stays that way. There's enough to worry about the rest of the world these days.

      I am not familiar with a statue for the assassin. After all, he was not acting alone and was not the mastermind behind this vile act of terrorism.

  2. what a beautiful cemetery .. i love wandering and taking photos of the beautiful monuments .. i am a true taphopile!

  3. Love the look of the cemetery. Looks a little over grown and spooky. Is it that way? Are the duke and wife in that cemetery?.

    1. The duke and his wife are interred interred at Artstetten Castle, in Lower Austria, about an hour west of Vienna. St. Marx cemetery, a beautiful Biedermeier burial ground, was closed 140 years ago, in 1874. I happened to pass by on my way home from the airport and decided to take an evening walk there.
      Clicking on the "St. Marx through the seasons" link in the post above will open many more vistas of the cemetery.

  4. Such a beautiful place, Merisi! I do love all the green!! Have to admit, it does look a tad spooky though!! Wonderful captures as always! Hope your weekend is going well!

    1. Rows and rows of lilac bushes and trees have had more than a century and a half to grow. ;-)

  5. I love a statue obscured in the woods.

    1. St. Marx should be definitely on your list of places to visit in Vienna! ;-)

  6. A somber cemetery... an ideal choice for the day.

  7. So green, so beautiful, so full of life that endures.


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