Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Early Morning at Melk Abbey
Merisi's Viennese Escapes

Arriving at Melk Abbey
High above the Danube river

Soon, the sky will clear
and the midsummer sun

will feast off the morning dew
served by Aurora on poppies and meadows

Photographed 13 June 2014
Melk Abbey
Lower Austria
Less than an hour's drive
west of Vienna, on the Danube river
Images and Text © by Merisi

-> Melk Abbey Garden Pavilion: Merisi's Coffee in Paradise
-> Merisi's Baroque Garden of Melk Abbey
-> Melk Abbey @ Wikipedia


  1. So gorgeous.
    Not only the photos themselves, but also your brief poem, about them.

  2. Maiwiese immer noch in voller Pracht selbst im Juni. Sehr schöne Sommerreise Merisi.

  3. so charming and 'old world' and those lovely poppies …

  4. So lovely Merisi, The middle picture is framed perfectly. A frame within a frame. We share a devotion to photography with a mutual friend. Vicki Lane.

  5. A beautiful abbey, and such amazing surroundings.

  6. Melk Abbey is a place I've always wanted to see ever since it first came to my notice on a Rick Steves' travel program. Didn't know about all the gorgeous gardens around it though.

  7. We were just watching a show about Vienna, and there was a segment on Melk. Stunning photos, as always!

  8. Wunderschön eingefangen! Das Stift schaut so schön eingerahmt aus!
    LG Mary

  9. Enjoyed my visit to the Abbey.

  10. Love it! And those gorgeous wild poppies!


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