Coffee, anyone?

Saturday 17 May 2014

The Ice Men and Cold Sophia
Feasting on Rainy Days in May

Rainy Mornings in May
It seems these rainy days
will never end

Images © Merisi

Ice Men and Cold Sophia:
"The Ice Saints is a name given to St. Mamertus,St. Pancras, and St. Servatius in Austrian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Hungarian, North-Italian, Polish, Slovene and Swiss folklore. They are so named because their feast days fall on the days of May 11, May 12, and May 13 respectively (...) St. Boniface's feast day falling on May 14. St. Sophia, nicknamed Cold Sophia (German kalte Sophie) on May 15 can be added in Germany, Alsace (France), Poland, etc."
Quoted from -> Ice Saints at Wikipedia
Linked to -> Weekend Reflections


  1. Sorry to hear the weather has been as miserable as it has been here (Geneva region). Just discovered your blog recently and I am thoroughly in love. I grew up in Vienna (from the age of 3 to 15), so it is the closest thing I have to home.

    1. Welcome, Marina! I hope you find the one or other morsel that evokes beautiful memories of your old hometown!

  2. Merisi, your brilliant raindrop photographs are so beautiful. I could imagine these images being created by watercolor painting, or even by another painting medium on a very large scale. Lovely!

    I also thank you for introducing me to the icy traditions. Lots of rain's been falling over here in NYC, too. Glad to find the sunshine today..making.a day off even better. xo

  3. I hope the sun comes shining on you soon, dear Merisi.

  4. Rain has been a house guest here as well for far to long.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. I love these beautiful abstract photos! The ice saints seem to have influenced our weather too-- we've had to close the windows and build a fire.

  6. How differently we view the world from different places, you want the rain to stop, I long for it to start.

    1. Yes, Arija, I've been thinking about that, too. Australia and California, two places where rain would be more than welcome.

  7. Sorry to hear your weather hasn't been good. We had a Blackberry Winter and it go down into the thirties with rain. Burr...

  8. The rain creates beautiful images, but it is the artist that knows to notice and capture.

  9. Rain does make for lovely images... though it'd be nice if it rained between midnight and six in the morning.

  10. Thank you all!

  11. Those are works of art. You make rain look beautiful, Merisi!


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