Thursday 30 May 2013

Summer Night Concert
by the Vienna Philharmonic

Live from Schönbrunn Park

Image © by Merisi

Feast of Corpus Christi Processions
Botanical Gardens of the University of Vienna

The Botanical Garden
of the University of Vienna
Rennweg 14

The garden covers 20 Acres,
and is immediately adjacent to the parks
of the Belvedere palaces
and the Belvedere Alpine Garden

Corpus Christi Procession
of the Mary Mother of God parish

The Parish church grounds border on the
Botanic Garden

A small gate in the garden wall
allows access from the church grounds
to the garden beyond

After celebrating mass on the Feast of Corpus Christi,
which this year is celebrated on May 22,
a processon was being held,
leading through the Botanical Gardens,
and back to the church grounds

"Many English-speaking countries
celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi
on the Sunday after Trinity Sunday —
on the Sunday after the traditional
Thursday celebration in other countries"
Source: Wikipedia
For more information,
click on the picture above

Agape Feast
After the procession returned to the church,
the parish members, and guests like me,
were invited to refreshments
in the church yard

Church of Mary Mother of God
Jacquingasse 53

Photographed with my little Sony Cybershot
in May 2008 - R e p o s t
images and text © Merisi

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Peony Days
Viennese Moments

Pink Peonies and Blue Doors

Red Peonies in a Box

True Pink Peonies

Cherries and Peonies

Wine and Red Roses

Photographed 24 May 2008
at the Farmers' Market
16th District
© by Merisi
R e p o s t

Tuesday 28 May 2013

The World's largest Lake Stage
Bregenz Festival House

Ready Maid
Sculpture by Gottfried Bechtold
in front of the Bregenz Festival House -
Square of the Vienna Symphonics

The Magic Flute
Come July - and hopefully better weather -
Mozart's opera will be performed on the lake

Walking under the arena
of the Festival stage

26 May 2013
in Bregenz, Vorarlberg
© Merisi

Sunday 26 May 2013

Friday 24 May 2013

As far West as you can go in Austria
Seeing the green Hills of Switzerland

In the Far West of Austria
The green hills of Switzerland from a train station in Vorarlberg

Photographed 23 May 2013 at 8:30 PM after a thunderstorm
For more images of Vorarlberg, click here -> Merisi's Vorarlberg
Image and Text © by Merisi

Thursday 23 May 2013

Viennese Moments
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Polar Star Moment? In Vienna?
Where else?

Polar Star Rose
Gracing Vienna's Rose Garden
Since 1982!

La Grappa

Simply Because
I love it.

Shell and small window.
Franciscan Church

The Salts of Life
Zum Schwarzen Kameel
The Night Kitchen

Artist's Atelier
Door sign in a Viennese
Pawlatschen Courtyard

I forgot.
Too much wine.

Yesterday's News
Newspapers bundled and tied
Ready for Recycling
Café Kandinsky

Le Muffin
Café Le Bol
Neuer Markt

Café Diglas
A smile worth a thousand words

Hellmann Salon
Heiligenkreuzer Hof

Frisch gestrichen
Wet paint!

Reflection behind letters
Letters with reflection?
Pause. Reflect.
Push the shutter-release button.

No Letters. No Words.
Still, a sign of the times.
Autumn's here.
Schwedenplatz Metro Station
Five minutes from St. Stephen's Cathedral

Photographed by Merisi
in September 2008
R e p o s t
Images and Text © by Merisi

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Gnomes in Urban Landscape
Viennese Gnoments in Time

I have been walking by this fellow
for several months now.
He's still turning his back to me. **

Country in an urban window

Inquiring about the little red-hatted fellow,
I was told, he wasn't quite ready yet.
And got presented with another Gartenzwerg.

Easily the prettiest window boxes
in the First District.
And not only for the potted peony.

The same windows, with last summer's bounty

Oranje Fan
Soccer Worldcup 2006

Walking towards Fleischmarkt

Griechengasse towards Hafnersteig
Photo taken on the same spot
as the one above,
only this time with the back to Fleischmarkt
To your left, Griechengasse continues,
with St. George's Church (ca. 1800);
ahead of you;
slightly to your right,
sloping towards the Donaukanal,
bégins Hafnersteig

Looking from Griechengasse, beyond Hafnersteig,
Franz-Josef-Kai and the Donaukanal,
to Leopoldstadt (2nd District),
i.e. the view, that the gentlemen
in the above photo have ahead of them

Photographed with my little Sony Cybershot
way back on 7 June 2007

R e p o s t
A New York times article pondering the
surprise appearance of the Common Garden Gnome at the revered Chelsea Flower Show prompted me to republish this six year old post.
Such sweet memories of my encounter with a great gentleman and his a bit naughty garden gnomes!
-> New York Times: Common Gnomes Pop Up at Rarefied Flower Show, to Horror of Many
-> From the BBC: The Quinn visit to the Chelsea Flower Show - Mum about the Gnomes?

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Prince Eugene's Belvedere
Views from the Upper Belvedere

A structure designed to command a view
In Italian "belvedere" means "beautiful view"

The Belvedere
Prince Eugene's Summer Residence
Looking over the Upper Palace's gardens
towards the Lower Belvedere Palace
and the city beyond -
in the center, the spire of St. Stephen's Cathedral

Photographed the morning
of 18 May 2013
Images and Text © by Merisi

Link to previous posts -> Views from the Belvedere

Monday 20 May 2013

Empress Elisabeth of Austria
Memorial Garden at Volksgarten Park

Elisabeth of Austria
Memorial by Hans Bitterlich

Hidden away in the northern-most corner of the Volksgarten Park -
in the Art Noveau inspired gardens by architect Friedrich Ohmann -

lies a marble terraced memorial garden
for Elisabeth of Austria, the empress who tragically died
at the hands of a vile assassin in 1898

Photographed 19 May 2013
Images and Text © by Merisi