Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 14 October 2013

Vienna and Venice
Autumn . Autunno

Looking out the Window
Scaffolding covering a façade waiting for fresh paint.
The morning sun striking the green netting casts
the grey and white facade in an unreal light

add their own colour dots to the scene

Red arrived from stage left,
just to the right of the sun-lit
turquoise door

The other evening
I noticed these dayglow-orange pails
all lined up, disappearing moments later
with the sun setting in the west

Another luminescent good-bye in the twilight glow,
this one in Venice, at the Arsenale location of the Biennale.
Com' è bella La Serenissima!

Photographed in October 2011
in Vienna and Venice
Images and Text
© by Merisi
R e p o s t


  1. Love that bottom pic particularly. Something always nice about water.

  2. Even scaffolding looks beautiful in your part of the world.

  3. That last photo is gorgeous. I love Venice. it is so magical and lovely.

  4. The top photo is so pretty, I had to look twice to notice the scaffolding!

  5. Inspiring last photo and I enjoyed the scaffolding and paint series also.


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