Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 30 September 2013

Best Red Currant Meringue Tart, ever!
Temptation at Neni's at Naschmarkt

Red Currant Meringue Tart
The double espresso is not in focus,
I wonder why ....

I dare you to click on this beauty:
it will enlarge and follow you into your dreams

I had wandered into Neni's for a coffee break,
innocently enough, strictly coffee and a good read

Who knew that I would be lead into temptation,
by a freshly baked favorite of mine, sitting there on the counter?

Photographed at
Neni am Naschmarkt #510
6th District

Images and Text © by Merisi
-> Neni am Naschmarkt Homepage


  1. And I dared to click on it and it caused my downfall....

  2. Had I the time and money, I would book a flight and meet you there to treat you to one of these marvelous pastries. Sigh!

  3. Ah, yes! I dared to click on it, too! Now any breakfast that I have is going to be a disappointment!!!

  4. Absolutely stunning pictures!...and yes... it´s in my dreams :)

  5. Whenever I go to a coffee shop for a quick coffee I can never resist a delicious pastry. I love meringue and this one looks amazing.

  6. That looks a perfect accompaniment to Gaiman's book!

  7. I am not surprised you were led into temptation.

  8. I want a piece of that tart now ;-).

  9. That looks is dessert time here, but nothing like that to offer. If you have a chance, I have a special blog entry this week. Happy week Merisi~

  10. Merisi, I did click on that photo and am very happy to have seen the result. I would definitely wanted to order that current delight myself. Must have been so delicious!

    Later on this evening, when I make a final cup of coffee, I will be nibbling on some dark chocolate with black current filling. So, one may begin and close one's day with currents.


  11. I confess, Merisi, I clicked and enlarged the tart! How could anyone NOT be tempted by this beauty!

  12. Great temptation indeed!
    I'm also thinking of a delicious zuppa inglese + cappuccino...


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