Sunday, 19 May 2013

Walking down the Strudlhof Steps
On a Sunday Morning in May

I fell out of bed
as soon as the sun rose

Oh well, I exaggerate -
even though, early it was!

I decided to visit the Strudlhof Steps,
once again - I always feel at peace

walking down those stairs,
like so many before me,

and, indeed, it felt
like coming home, again

When I reached the bottom landing,
 I looked back up,
and spied a flower thief in red,

stealing what was meant
to last the summer, for you and me and everyone
coming after us, climbing up or down
those precious steps in Alsergrund

Photographed before 8 AM
on 19 May 2013 - 50mm lens
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Stop thief! Hier koepfen sie die Narzissen und die Bluebells...

  2. What a naughty person - if everyone did that our cities would be barren.

  3. A lovely and relaxing place, spoiled by a really silly thief...

  4. I'm always amazed at the nerve of flower thieves. They're everywhere, you know.

  5. Parisbreakfast20 May, 2013

    you always put
    Apple Strudel on my Mind!!!
    Steps or no steps.

  6. Wandering around in the early morning is the best time, I think. Worth getting up for when there's a beautiful light and peaceful atmosphere. A flower thief is not a welcome sight, however.


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