Monday, 6 May 2013

Es grünt so grün!
The Greening of Vienna

Linden Tree
Tilia flower buds are
already showing

A Blackbird
came up the walk

Garden benches
each in its own niche
along a living garden fence

isn't it?

Blackbird signaling "Nevermore!"
No more pictures!

Photographed Sunday Morning
in Liechtenstein Park
Alsergrund (9th District)

Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. How very lovely. It's funny how spring in other areas always appears more beautiful than the one you are personally experiencing. I hope your day is off to a wonderful start. Blessings...Mary

  2. We've got red winged blackbirds visiting our feeders these days. quite attractive critters.

  3. You have a wonderful sense of style. Framing of each of these images is marvelous.

  4. The beautiful look of spring.

  5. Wonderful captures of spring in your world, Merisi!! I love them all! Hope you have a lovely, sunny, delightful week!

  6. very nice again!
    This is exactly what you are saying in your profile "seek to capture the beauty in every day", and what is also my philosophy and what I like in photography!
    It can be so simple things like a bench and green leaves, and make so beautiful photos!
    ciao Markus

  7. Yes, I like those benches.

  8. They are all very beautiful greens. Such a wonderful place to live.

  9. So zartes grün und so einladende Bänke. Manche Sachen aus den Kindheitsträumen kann man sich halt nicht vom Herzen reissen, so habe ich mir vor Jahren in unserem Garten auf Mt.Lofty eine Linde gepflanzt. Sie ist nach 30 Jahren, gerade groß genug dass ich darunter sitzen kann. Sonst habe ich in unserem Bundesland keine andere gesehen. Meine Tante hatte in Lettland eine Lindenallee und ich, umschwärmt von summenden Bienen, pflückte Lindenblüten für Tee.
    Wien muss zu dieser Jahreszeit absolut himmlisch sein!

  10. Like the benches in the living fence openings.Little hidey holes.


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