Coffee, anyone?

Saturday 19 May 2012

What you see and what you get
Viennese diversionary Tactics

A Camel Hair Overcoat
or a Livio de Marchi sculpture?

A Viennese Mélange
or an Italian Cappuccino?

A Dream within a Dream
or Café Orlando di Castello?

A storefront
or an all too clever diversionary tactic

to distract you from
that little Chocolate "ménage à trois"
I had with my coffee?

Photographed 2 April 2012
at Café Orlando di Castello
and Fütterergasse
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Yes, that little chocolate thingie really is as small as it looks. Hardly a sin, I'd say. If my memory serves me right, that pastry was not so much on the petit side before a change of ownership this past March. Not complaining, though, I am all for small, but utterly delicious morsels by pattissier Pierre Reboul! :-)

  2. I wish I could transport myself into any one of these delectable images!

  3. It could be a VERY LARGE cup though...
    where's the glass of wa wa?
    No spoon?
    That cafe looks VERY Viennese to me, ahem

  4. Mmmm that looks delicious. I thought the coffee I was drinking at this moment was good ... until I saw yours!

  5. Linnea,
    wouldn't mind to do that myself, again. ;-)

    please be assured that there was a glass of water. I have the picture to proof it. ;-)

    Jill, I'll take you there on your next visit! xxx

  6. (There is a "reply" button other each comment now - wow, I have not noticed it before.)

  7. J'aime beaucoup ton billet;
    la couleur camel,
    ou bien la couleur caramel,
    presque identiques
    sont très douces
    et délicieuses dans tes photos;

  8. LOve the leaves they put on top. Leaf shapes that is.

    1. I have a hunch that these elaborate designs were imported from the States.
      Not that I know, though. ;-)

  9. Oh to be in this café now, indulging in very tiny sins!
    Catching up with posts - loved your escape on the water which despite the rain looks utterly beautiful.

  10. Like the lampshades in the cafe.

    1. Barbara,
      they are a light-hearted touch, upside-down, aren't they?
      I can't help but thinking of Laura Ashley when I look at the wallpaper and lampshades.

  11. I can't take it any longer! After looking at your photos of cappuccinos, and with my espresso machine in the shop for repairs, I am off to my local coffee house for an espresso con panna. Unfortunately, there will be no Viennese pastries.

  12. Anonymous24 May, 2012

    What a good distraction!


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