Coffee, anyone?

Monday 2 April 2012

Monday, is this you?
Windows in the City of Freud

Window with a View
Coffee break
The importance
of taking your camera
with you, always

Image and Text © by Merisi


  1. My brother and his wife are in Wien for a week. I wonder if I will see them in one of your photos. They both love cafes :-)

  2. Lana told me the other day that every time she forgets her camera she sees elephants doing the can can. I'm suspicious she's exagerating.

  3. Oh, colors! thank you.

  4. Beautiful composition, Merisi. You have an eye for beauty in the most ordinary things!

  5. I always regret when I leave my camera home, so why do I do it? I don't know. Fascinating picture.

  6. Windows and doors are always evocative -- and you do them especially well.

  7. Thank you all for taking the time to leave such kind words!

    Not only elephants, Charles, some days there are giraffes too! :-) The birds down in my neighbor's garden do handstands when the realize I am only opening the window without camera. That's nature, won't be caught doing things out of the ordinary! ;-)

  8. Nice shot Merisi. It is so true what you say about taking your camera with you always. Mine goes everywhere wth me, but for some strange reason I left it at home this evening. My wife and I went to the opening of an art exhibition, where she has a work on display and I am still kicking myself because of the lost opportunities. "Never again," I said afterwards, because I felt quite naked without it.


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