Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Against the Dearth
of Monday Poems

Dreaming of Venezia

Early Birds
Ca' D'Oro Vaporetto stop

the Venetian way, by gondola
Canal Grande

Rush Hour
Canal Grande

Not quite alert yet?
The bright red painted pier posts
at the Canal Grande landing
of the Biennale Library
will wake you up!

Mon enfant, ma soeur,
songe à la douceur
d’aller là-bas vivre ensemble!

Getting too bright, you say, you wanted to travel
where tout n’est qu’ordre et beauté,
luxe, calme et volupté

So let's turn around,
and step into the soothing calm
of the cafeteria,

leaving the world outside,
and give ourselves to the realm
of a cup of soul-restoring Italian cappuccino

Photographed in Venice, February 2012
Images and own Text © by Merisi
Quotes are from Charles Baudelaire's "Invitation au Voyage"


  1. What a wonderful post on Venice! I love the detail of the vaporetto stop.

  2. Theresa Cheek,
    it is actually a landing for smaller boats, the vaporetto stop is further down, towards San Marco, at Riva degli Schiavoni.

  3. What CAFETERIA???
    Nice to take a gondola ride with you.
    far more gorge than the real thing I bet...

  4. Merci pour ces voyages en images et en poésie.
    L'Invitation au voyage de Baudelaire s'accorde bien avec Venise

  5. Miss Yves:
    Oui, je suis d'accord! :-) Merci!

    Paris Breakfasts,
    may well be the best hidden cafeteria in all of Venice! ;-)

  6. What fabulous photos of the amazing colors of Venice. I love the contrasts always surrounded by the gently lapping water.


  7. Easy to dream of Venezia, easier with all these beautiful images...

  8. I have been dreaming about Rome but now ... Venice too...

  9. Enchanting Venice, beautiful as always. Your photos do it justice Merisi - they capture the very essence of Venice.

  10. Your photos make Venice seem like such a magical place.

  11. The most magical of cities!

  12. Merisi, I've been reading Stefan Zweig on the subway ride home tonight, and now I get to have these lovely glimpses of Venice.

    Life can be so full of gifts.

  13. Love your photos Merisi - your post makes me want to travel and see the beauty with my own eyes. :)

  14. Oh wow, those doors are amazing.

  15. What a beautiful tour of Venice! I've enjoyed all the views!

  16. A girl can never dream too much of La Serrenissima. Once in love with Venezia, always in love!

    You have captured some beautiful blues here Merisi. The color of longing.

  17.  Genie,
    Venice has so many facets, like plane surfaces of a precious stone, and then there are the things under the surface, there to discover, like examining a diamond in the raw. I just never tire of exploring La Serenissima.

    I could not agree more!

     Cobalt Violet,
    I can't even begin to think of Rome without getting seriously homesick!

     Loree ,
    thank you, so very sweet!

     Arkansas Patti,
    it is magical place, it is! :-)

     Vicki Lane,
    magical and mysterious in many ways!

    how true, thank you!
    I hope you enjoy your Stefan Zweig book!

     Fern Spackman,
    you ought give your self the gift! ;-9

     Charles Gramlich,
    I often think of beautiful places as suffering of a certain neglect of the small details which would be admired in lesser ones. It is very hard not to fall into the trap of being caught only in the more overwhelming aspects of it all. I do all the time, unfortunately.

    mille grazie, piacere! ;-)

    thank you!

  18. Rush hour = Splash hour :-)

  19. The birds almost look as if they are part of the sculpture.

  20. I would love to commute that way in the above photos. :)

  21. Zosia,

    so true! :-)

    I enjoyed mine every day! ;-)

  22. Are those REAL birds atop the...... thingies..... in the first picture?
    If so -- that is CRAZY!
    It's perfect! [As all your photos are!]

  23. Yes, Cipriano,
    these are real birds (red-legged gulls). ;-)

  24. What a great place to end a walk around the pretty city.
    I want to go back NOW.:)


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