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Saturday, 11 February 2012

Veduta from Schönbrunn's Gloriette
Vienna in Winter

Up at the Gloriette
Visitors enjoying the view
of the city from the arcades of the Gloriette

Schönbrunn Palace
and the city beyond
from the Gloriette on a cold winter day
with strong winds chasing large clouds
over the sky and the light shifting constantly

Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. Veduta from Schönbrunn's Gloriette
    Vienna in Winter

    Up at the Gloriette
    Visitors enjoying the view
    of the city from the arcades of the Gloriette

    Schönbrunn Palace
    and the city beyond
    from the Gloriette on a cold winter day
    with strong winds chasing large clouds
    over the sky and the light shifting constantly

  2. When the sky is like that, and it's cold and windy, one feels as if the world is slipping in time. That maybe if you went down into the city it would be a thousand years ago

  3. I like the color of the sky and you can feel the cold....

  4. Charles Gramlich,
    thank you for this beautiful dream!

    Rambling Woods,
    yes, very cold, indeed! :-)


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