Coffee, anyone?

Friday 2 March 2012

Looking for Signs of Spring
Vienna's Botanical Garden

Hazel Catkins
against the winter sky

Potting Shed
Ready for spring?

Yellow Wood Anemone
flowering in the
Botanical Garden

25 January 2012
Botanical Garden
of the University of Vienna

Rennweg and Joaquingasse
3rd District
Images and Text © by Merisi

because it feels like spring's finally at our doorstep.


  1. Yellow is a very cheery color in winter.

  2. great picture collection

  3. Oh you lucky duck! Signs of spring showing up already? Maybe there are some here, but it's hard to see through all the rain. Those hazel catkins look like golden gems hanging from a magical tree. I love the delicate rhythm of the branches etched against the sky.

  4. I think spring is only in the botanica garden yet :)
    Here is -10 now, and winter is still on. Have a nice day!

  5. Beautiful signs of spring.
    Winter is still deep here, but in two weeks I am taking the girls to London to look for a few signs :-)

    The little garden house looks so charming.

  6. Hard to believe when it's -22 C in Warsaw this morning.

  7. ‪Sara,
    yellow against blue skies in winter carries a promise of spring, doesn't it?

    ‪scfinder -
    Thank you!

    ‪louciao -
    today, six days later, we had -8°C in the morning.
    The sun's out again, though, makes for a balmy -5°C at 11. ;-)

    ‪Mr. Paparazzo,
    it was a rather chilly day when I took those pictures last week, but this morning we hit -8°C. :-(

  8. What a confused winter it's been! The cold snap from Siberia has just hit us here in England too, at the point when we thought winter was never going to arrive at all.

  9. Karen,
    it was quite cold the day I took the pictures, with an icy wind blowing. Hazel catskins bloom this time of year, no matter the temperatures.
    Stay warm!

  10. Really enjoyable Spring pastel colors, Merisi.
    Here in Turin it's still snowing!
    Happy Wednesday :-)

  11. I wish I had such a pretty potting shed.

  12. It's too, too soon to think of Spring.
    Nothing springs to mind for a poem...
    The only word that rhymes is loem

  13. I am currently in Romania, by -20 Celsius degrees :)). spring is something extremely remote here :))

  14. It's catkins, not cat skins.
    Sorry; love your blog! Ron

  15. Dreamy! I'd like a hazelcatskin to gaze at.

  16. @ Ron:
    thank you for pointing out that catskin blunder - I am sure glad I saw catkins, not any other weird thing! ;)

    Thank you all for your comments!

  17. Looks like Spring is getting ready to show her lovely colors very soon in your part of the world.

  18. The Hazel catkins make a good photo against the sky. I have Corkscrew Hazel and the catkins are not so yellow.


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