Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Coffee and Giant Macaron, anyone?
Falling hard for Chocolate and Passion Fruit Temptation

A Perfect Cup
of Viennese Coffee Mélange

and the object
of desire
please lead me not
into temptation

right in front of me:
A giant chocolate macaron
with passion (!) fruit filling

Location of the
Fall of M man erisi
Pâtisserie Demel
Kohlmarkt 12

Images and Text © by Merisi
First published 11 August 2011


  1. A Perfect Cup
    of Viennese Coffee Mélange
    and the object
    of desire -
    please lead me not
    into temptation -
    right in front of me:
    A giant chocolate macaron
    with passion (!) fruit filling

    Location of the
    Fall of M(man)erisi
    Pâtisserie Demel
    Kohlmarkt 12

  2. passion fruit-sounds nice!

  3. Ola,
    and it was oh so delicious! *swoon*

  4. That chocolate macaron looks pretty darn good.

  5. The best way to resist a temptation is to yield to it.

  6. Hmmmm...
    Usually passion fruit anything is YELLER!
    what happened here?
    I protest!

  7. Paris Breakfast,
    this was chocolate and passion fruit filling -
    Filling as in the stuff that's inside. ;-)
    Chocolate rich and fruity, perfect flavour.

  8. I've never had a macaron -- I wonder if Asheville, NC has them anywhere?

  9. This dessert embodies the dilemma of the saying "to have one's cake and eat it too". It's so beautiful that you want to keep it to look at, but how can you look at it without eating it?!


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