Coffee, anyone?

Monday, 20 February 2012

Capriccio Veneziano
Merisi's Postcards from Venice

Morning with Gondole
Venice, slowly rising out of the mist

Cappuccetto Rosso
Little Red Riding Hood
out of the wood!

Ladies in Waiting
Pretty and tired

Live, but not alive, at San Marco

Eleven O'Clock
Time for a snack!

Yellow is for Cash
Quick stop

More Snack
Joie de vivre

Il Filosofo
Think tank

Un cappuccino
e una frittella Veneziana

Head over to Corey's "Tongue in Cheek"
for more Venetian fare!

Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. GREAT!! Yiu catch the best soul of venice. Thanks my friend to share with us :)

  2. You drunk the white wine ?
    I guess you had a lot of fun and a lot of F .... ( ood)

  3. One can never get tired of Venice.

  4. The boat scene is really a beauty and it certainly would appear that you are enjoying your week...the images are delightful...Little Red Riding Hood, too cute! Have a great week, take care~

  5. Merisi, I've had a quick visit over to Corey's site, and now think that I would definitely prefer to be enjoying all that this Venetial carnival time might offer, to the work week that I face in New York. (Yes, I do know that there are many who would love to be in New York this week, and to have my job.)

    Still...let me dream. And make a note or two on some of my calendars, that perhaps I might just be in Venice in February 2013.
    The beauty and style of the costumed folks truly adds to the beauty of Venice (and we do know that Venetian beauty is very grand indeed.)

    Please do keep the photos coming. xo

  6. How lovely to visit Venice through your eyes. Oh I have fond memories of tea at Cafe Florian. Thanks for sharing.

  7. BrittArnhild20 February, 2012

    Oh, dream!!!!!

    The one you are living!

  8. It's wonderful to have yours and Corey's perspective on the Carnival. You should do this more often. Love all the photos!

  9. Love the bat skeleton! Very cool.

  10. So enjoying this experience of yours from a double perspective! Every picture is a gem that I want to revisit again and again.

  11. OK... THERE is Corey... Nice to see her !
    And YOU ???
    Hiding behind a mask and pausing with those pretty ladies???
    OR getting some cash in that golden cloak ???
    OR sleeping in one of those gondolas ???
    Where are YOU ?!?!?!

  12. Fantastic mix of photos! That coffee and pastry is killing me right now. mmmmm


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