Coffee, anyone?

Monday 9 January 2012

When the golden Sun is setting
Gardens of Prince Eugene's Belvedere

"When the golden sun is setting
And your mind from care is free
When of others you are thinking
Will you sometimes think of me.

When the golden sun is setting
And the birds are flitting free
When of dear ones you are thinking
Won’t you sometimes think of me.

Think of me when you are happy
Keep for me one little spot
In the depth of thine affection
Plant a sweet forget me not."

(From a Victorian autograph book
author unknown)

Photographed Sunday
8 January 2012 at sunset
Images © by Merisi


  1. "When the golden sun is setting
    And your mind from care is free
    When of others you are thinking
    Will you sometimes think of me.

    When the golden sun is setting
    And the birds are flitting free
    When of dear ones you are thinking
    Won’t you sometimes think of me.

    Think of me when you are happy
    Keep for me one little spot
    In the depth of thine affection
    Plant a sweet forget me not."

    (From a Victorian autograph book
    author unknown)

    1. A favourite of mine
      My dad taught it me as a child

  2. what a flavour this place has...

  3. I like your pictures with those textures looking so different and so similar at the same time ...!
    Enjoying the effect !

  4. a branch trimmed tree is a kind of sad image.

  5. Is that a nest in yonder tree?
    The bird does wander to and fro
    Looking for forget-me-nos...

  6. Lara,
    yes, absolutely!
    How fortunate that Prince Eugene left these treasures to posterity and that today they are open to the public.

    Charles Gramlich,
    it is a garden, after all. The Vienna Woods can be reached by taking a streetcar right at the west gate.

    Paris Breakfasts,
    *smile* I saw birds, alas no nest.
    It surely would please Prince Eugene knowing that you are looking for forget-me-nots. ;-)

  7. Catching up, finally, I enjoy how each of these images balances the other so have great imagination and creativity~

  8. Mary Howell Cromer,
    thank you! It was quite the surprise when a reddish-golden sun suddenly broke through the bank of clouds to the west, bathing the garden in an almost unreal light.


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