Coffee, anyone?

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Vienna's Café Sperl
Coffee, anyone?

"Here there is nothing
I have taken from you

so I begin with memory
as old songs do

in this café
against the night

in this villa refrain
where we collect the fragment

no longer near us
to make ourselves whole ... "

Quoted from
"Midnight Dinner at the Vesta Lunch"
The Cinnamon Peeler
Selected Poems by Michael Ondaatje
Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
New York 1991

Photographed at Café Sperl
Gumpendorfer Straße 11-13
1060 Vienna

You would like to linger?
No problem, we are in Vienna,
aren't we?

Click on the title
or any of the images
and a charming Viennese waiter will appear
and you will be served another
cup of coffee!
Enjoy! :-)

Photographed and first published in August 2009
Images and Text © by Merisi


  1. The detail on that corner makes my fingers itch to follow its curves...*smiles*

  2. Posts within a post - fabulous! This was a real treat to explore today. Makes me long to be in any one of these divine places.

  3. I know I always say this, but this cafe looks just like the one they used in the movie "The Illusionist". So lovely! I especially like the curved/angled sofas, so that more than two people can sit around and have face-to-face conversation.

  4. Don't see any coffeehouses remotely that cool over here, at least not where I'm from.

  5. The romance just oozes from your photography Merisi.
    The Cafes look so inviting. I think I would linger over coffee forever.

  6. What a beautiful place to begin one's morning, or to stop anytime of the day for warmth from a cup, and of good cheer~

  7. The first photo, through the mirror, is just amazing!


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