Coffee, anyone?

Friday, 20 January 2012

Cooking as an Act of Love
Babette's Viennese Feast

Visual Delectations
Isn't this the kind of
writing on the wall
we all love?

Chocolate Quince Tartelette
with your coffee?

I said yes to sinful gluttony -
and, oh, what rapture!

Morsel after morsel
transporting me

on the wings of a perfectly composed
rhapsody of flavours to the higher spheres
of sweet nirvana

Images and Text © by Merisi
Photographed November 2010
Spice and Books for Cooks

SchleifmĂĽhlgasse 17
4th District
R e p o s t

"... a triumphant sunburst
of sensual and spiritual delight -
a supreme banquet
harmonizing body and soul
... "
David Denby in "Heaven on Earth" *
in the New York Magazine,
in March 1988, about the movie
"Babette's Feast" *

*) Click for the entire article
and a clip of the movie


  1. Ahh, one of my all-time favourite movies! That chocolate tartelette looks like heaven on earth to me. And yesterday's photos simply stunning.

  2. What a great movie and I don't blame you for indulging. That looks fantastic.

    I am enjoying India...except for my bout of Delhi Belly...and I love the food but, once in awhile, one longs for an espresso and a chocolate morsel such as this.

  3. I'm always up for being loved with good food!

  4. My fav movie too..
    are you in Venice yet?

  5. Pardon my drool.....
    Oh my that looks sinfully delicious.

  6. I must go there! I must see this! tomorrow that is!!!

  7. One of my favourite movies.


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