Coffee, anyone?

Monday 17 October 2011

Sunday Morning in Venice
Merisi's Viennese Escapes

In the Silence of the Morning
A boat moored in one of the
smaller canals

I love Sunday Mornings
in Venice! I hide in secret piazzas
where Venetians are out to play
before they return home to enjoy a leisurely pranzo
con tutta la famiglia

A Coffee Bar
where the locals rule,
inside and out on the Piazza,
and Italian only is spoken

Undercover Tourist
Well, she's with me,
and therefore almost Italian

A Gondola
Still dreaming, late into
Sunday morning


in Venice
9 October 2011
Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Thank you Merisi, I love Venice, atmosphères, colors, wonderful city on the sea...

    Nice new week and nice end of sunday.


  2. oh oh oh....
    you are the 3rd person i '''know'''
    in venice today!


    am thinking there
    is an antique fair
    at chiesa di santa maria dei miracoli
    it is over by now...

    {{i am often
    Time*Zone challenged }}

    hope U R having a swell time, missy!
    going back now
    to look
    at all your fab~photos!

    Fortunate You!

  3. So beautiful.
    One almost expects someone right out of a Shakespeare drama to materialize and sit down for a coffee with you.

  4. Isn´t this absolutely lovely :-)

    Great photos sending perfect dreams and memories my way.

    By the way, I got Tessa Kiros´cook book from Venezia in the mail the other day. It is just perfect.

  5. Ah...they have lovely glasses of water in Venice as well...
    merci carolg

  6. Your "undercover tourist" photo reminds me so much of the old movie "Summertime" with Katherine Hepburn and Rosanno Brazzi! I love that movie.

  7. Sunday mornings in Venice are lovely if you escape to the neighborhood places...which you did. Very nice. And I agree w/Carol - the glasses of water are very nice.

    Have a good week!


  8. Merisi, somehow your Venetian Sunday seems more pleasant than my Sunday morning trips up and down to the basement laundry room, although water is part of each scene.

    Yet, it was a lovely day here in New York, once the chore was done.

    I did take my camera along on my walks and subway and bus rides and might even get around to a new post.

    One of today's errands had me returning a Julian Barnes novel to my lovely library. In this novel a character is reading a Stefan Szweig book! I have to continue my reading when I next return to the library stacks to retrieve The Royal Game collection of novellas.

    (Today, the library had M Ondaatje's The Cat's Table waiting for me. I will read it on the subway commute this week.)

    Still dreaming of perfect coffee, xo

  9. I love the way the bits of green trail from one picture to the next.

  10. I could have a nap in that canoe.

  11. What a perfect and elegant way to spend Sunday morning. Gorgeous.

  12. From the boat, to the bottom of this post, all so enchanting. I love the way the lighting plays perfectly with the story that you want to share in each image, very, very nice Merisi~

  13. Merisi...I agree with Vicki, that aqua green is awesome! XO

  14. love sunday morning in venice, as well as almost any other morning in venice!

  15. Great photos as usual, love the water ones.

  16. Dear Merisi,
    I hope you have been well. Thank you for the moments of peace your photos bring to me. They always make me dream....

    Wishing you a wonderful rest of your day,


  17. Thank you all for your very, very, very generous comments! It feels so good to know you enjoy these travels of the mind. xxx

    thank you from the bottom of my heart for your concern! Yes, I am well, just very very busy, but busy in a good way: family, visitor (love it!), projects to plan and work on, a photo shoot for a friend, getting unpacked from my Venice trip (I returned 8 days ago), planning and organizing the next one, Venice again, Florence and Corsica (Corsica will be one full week of true vacation). So, very little time to play, I steal it for my blog and the family, mostly.
    Warm hugs (nights have turned cool here),

    I imagine your New England in reds and golds, brilliant in the sunshine!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.