Coffee, anyone?

Friday 9 September 2011

Sideways into Wine Country
Eine Landpartie. Viennese Escapes

The Big Orange Cheese
Mimolette, illuminated
by the waning afternoon sun

Boule de Lille
Mimolette from France
The annatto coloured cheese
was first produced in the Lille area
in the 17th century, when King Louis XIV
decreed that France should aim to produce
the best of everything -
and succeed they did, didn't they?

Grappa Blues
A ballad for those who think
a grape after giving wine
is finished

Heavenly Light
on earthy delights

A Side Trip to Italy
under Austrian evening sun

Women and Wine
and art all around

The Pig that flew
off the plates!
Unlike the poor birds picking at Zeuxis's painted grapes,
those sticking their forks into slices of this cake
would not be disappointed:
Under the almond paste trompe-l'œil pig,
masquerading as a simple sheet cake,
awaited the most sophisticated chocolate Torte ever:
A master pastry chef's skilled and playful interpretation
of one of the host's art works

How about joining this foray
into the countryside symphonically?
A "Merry gathering of peasants" -
the third movement of Beethoven's "Pastorale" -
seems fitting, wouldn't you agree?


Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. The cheese looks so yummy! Which one is it??

  2. Svet,
    it is Mimolette, and it is outstanding!

    I added a picture and some text about this French delicacy to the post. xxx

  3. makes me want some exotic cheeses.

  4. Cheese, wine, and Beethoven.... what could be better?

  5. yummy...I wish we had the breads here that you enjoy. We do have the wine from many countries.
    Love your blog.

  6. Yr post made me go eat some Greek olives in the fridge!!

  7. The colors in this post are amazing. Anyone having a down day would light up!

  8. Thank you, Merisi! Never heard of that cheese before!

  9. Oh, that food! But hold the grappa, thank you. Tried it once and thought it was rather vile.


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