Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Late September Light
In a Viennese Garden

The sunlit reeds
against the dark mirror of
the pond already in shade
reflecting the dark blue sky

The burning red leaves
had sent me flying for the camera

The vine clinging
elegantly to the balustrade
enjoyed its moment in the sun

A pink blossom,
all pleased with her own reflection,
let out a sigh, "I am the fairest of them all!"

"Leaning that much into the glaring light,
she'll wilt before her time,"
the little blue flower
whispered to her fellow mate,
"it may be too late
to be saved by the evening shade!"

27 September 2011
around 4:45 PM
from my window

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Did you say these are in view from your window? What a view you have!

    Let me also compliment you again on all the recent posts, and to give you a bit of an update on my Stefan Zweig novellas. I continue to read, and continue to see how clear was his observations of us humans. (Perhaps this is more reason to love what other forms of nature present to us?)

    Promising you a real review when I do finish the collected SZ works I have checked out, and renewed, from my wonderful library.

    Have a fabulous weekend, Merisi, and please do take your camera along with you at all times. xo

  2. I love the intensity of the light just now and the sparkle of the colors. Our burning bush is just getting started...

  3. Nice photos from the garden. I hope this good autumn weather will last long :)

  4. Beautiful light and colours. The lone pink flower looking into the mirror of a glass roof could have been a Narcissus in its previous life.

  5. I love the penultimate photograph in this sequence.

  6. Was für einen schönen Ausblick du hast!!
    Wundervolle Farben und tolles Licht!

  7. Frances,
    yes, this is what I see when I am looking down.
    Enjoy your Stefan Zweig books!
    And yes, I am taking my camera along at all times (only once have I left it at home: I was out to go grocery shopping on my bike and got almost hit by a speeding taxi driver – wished I could have gotten his picture!)

    Vicki Lane,
    the light is so gorgeous this days! Indian summer light.

    Mr. Paparazzo,
    yes, please, weather gods, keep the blue skies shining! ;-)

    the lone pink flower is reflected on the metal table of my downstairs neighbour's deck.

    thank you! :-)

    ich muß zwingen, nicht hinauszulaufen in die Natur, der Blick in den Garten trösted mich sehr!

  8. Beautiful photos, I love the vine clinging to the balustrade in particular. How amazing to see all this from your window! Visiting from Creative Courage. Becsx

  9. Love the pink flashes of color in these images.

  10. Verses apart, not so different from here. Thank you for the beautiful matches of words and images!

  11. Positively tropical today.
    the light,,the light!

  12. I love the pink blossom mesmerized by her own reflection.
    The whole concept makes beautiful word pictures.
    Have a wonderful weekend Merisi.

  13. Marvellous photos ! a dream...


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