Coffee, anyone?

Friday 23 September 2011

In the Quiet of the Evening
Café Schwarzenberg

In the Quiet
of the evening

flowery herbal tea
steeping in the pot

my eyes rest on a painting
of a Venetian canal scene

then on Vienna beyond the tall windows,
the city dressed in blue hour finery

I slowly fall in love,
all over again, with this city,
which offers sanctuaries like this
when you need a break from
the weariness of the world

My tea is ready,
I take a sip.
Outside, night is falling,
inside, sweet languor fills my soul

at Café Schwarzenberg
on the evening of
22 September 2011

Café Schwarzenberg
is a smokefree Kaffeehaus
The coffee is very good,
and tea lovers enjoy a large selection
of premium loose leaf and herbal teas.
The butter marble Guglhupf
was excellent.

I read about unfriendly waiters
in a few of the online reviews.
Not my experience, quite the opposite!
I particularly love one gentleman waiter
who has the art of subtle Viennese humour
down pat, and a lot of charm to boot.

here -> Café Schwarzenberg
leads you to the "History" page - in English -
of Schwarzenberg's website!

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Wow, that Window view is very cool.

  2. this was one of my favorites. especially since i met a schwartzenberg at a dinner party and asked him "oh, like the cafe?".

  3. I would be hard pressed to leave this place. The blue light pouring gracefully through those magnificent windows is so soothing. Yes, tea and cake is just the ticket for a late afternoon reverie.

  4. Charles Gramlich,
    I love the view from this wing of the cafe.

    The New Diplomat's Wife,
    if you enlarge the first photo, you will, in the right hand corner just under the white canopy outside, spot the horse's legs of the monument to Prince Karl Philipp of Schwarzenberg, probably the most famous of the Schwarzenberg family. In 1813, he was commander of the allied army that defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig and then went on to capture Paris. Napoleon I abdicated shortly after.

  5. Louciao,
    I was invited to a dinner later in the evening and instead of going home and then returning an hour later, I had decided to take a long walk around the Belvedere gardens instead, only to find them closed already! Café Schwarzenberg was a good alternative. ;-)

  6. The blue of the dusk outside and the gold of the sunset inside. Lovely.

  7. I can't wait for the day when I'll be able to wile away an afternoon at a place like this. Thanks for the beautiful pictures, although I'm having cake envy right now...

  8. Zosia,
    it was magical!

    And thinking that I all owed it to the fact that the Belvedere Gardens closed at 6.30 PM already. ;-)

    wished I could virtually give you a real piece of Marmorguglhup!

    I ate only three bites of that Guglhupf. Remembering that I was invited for an 8 o'clock dinner, I asked the waitress to please wrap it for me. I then gave it to my hosts, for breakfast the next morning. I wonder if their cats got ahold of it before them! ;-)

  9. What a beautiful place, Merisi. I totally understand the pleasure of taking refuge in such a quiet cafe at the end of a day.

  10. Ich würde jetzt alles geben für ein Stück Marmorgugelhupf!!!

  11. I just felt complete peace as I read this post and viewed the images that I have missed during our recent holiday journey. Have a sweet and safe weekend~

  12. what a lovely place to spend an evening...

    happy to see you at farmhouse kitchen and happy to stop by today


  13. on the last day of September, I am landing to Vienna!! I will write you an @ these days, I want something from you, Merisi.
    danuca x

  14. Present as usual as you ask:"Coffee anyone?"


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