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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Under the Linden Trees
Walking in Alsergrund

June air is filled with
the sweet fragrance of linden blossoms

when walking
under linden trees

across one of the courtyards
of the University Campus
in Alsergrund
9th District

Linden or Lime Tree?
"Lime is an altered form of Middle English lind, in the 16th century also line, from Old English feminine lind or linde, Proto-Germanic *lendā, cognate to Latin lentus "flexible" and Sanskrit latā "liana". Within Germanic languages, English lithe, German lind "lenient, yielding" are from the same root.

Linden was originally the adjective, "made from lime-wood" (equivalent to "wooden"), from the late 16th century "linden" was also used as a noun, probably influenced by translations of German romance, as an adoption of Linden, the plural of German Linde. Neither the name nor the tree is related to the citrus fruit called "lime" (Citrus aurantifolia, family Rutaceae). Another widely-used common name used in North America is basswood, derived from bast, the name for the inner bark. In the US, the name "lime" is used only for the citrus tree. Teil is an old name for the lime tree."
(Source: Wikipedia)

Photographed 7 June 2011
© by Merisi


  1. These trees have beautiful little flowers - your first photo says "summer!"

  2. Thanks for the lesson in linguistics. Such a fascinating field.
    Do love linden trees.

  3. Emile,
    I agree, "Midsummer"! ;-)

    Next to my parents' house, there grew two very old Linden trees. On june evenings, my bedroom was filled with the fragrance of linden blossoms. I remember my mother singing "Am Brunnen vor dem Tore", a song from Franz Schubert's "Winter Journey". Clicking on the fountain will lead you to Hermann Prey singing that song, "Der Lindenbaum". I was lucky enough to hear Hermann Prey sing it during a concert in Rome. Unforgettable evening.

    The original Text is by Wilhelm Müller; here is an English translation by Walter A. Aue:

    The Linden Tree

    At wellside, past the ramparts,
    there stands a linden tree.
    While sleeping in its shadow,
    sweet dreams it sent to me.

    Click on this link,
    The Linden Tree, translated dby Walter A. Aue,
    for the full text.

    I also recommend Herr Aue's extensive footnotes.
    Enjoy! :-)

  4. Ilse,
    your comment came in while I was typing the above!
    Thank you! :-)

  5. Merisi, I am enjoying the golden glow of your photos of the marvelous linden trees.

    What beauty is sent in the light in these pictures. Thank you.

    Tonight, after sundown, NYC will have the June full moon. I hope to get out with my camera to experience that beautiful light. June moon.


  6. Anonymous16 June, 2011

    Gorgeous and sunny shots!

  7. simply idllylic...
    the light..the light!

  8. Frances,
    I tried to watch the moon last night, alas, could not see it. I hope you had a beautiful June moon night!

    thank you! :-)

    Paris Breakfast:
    The light this time of the year is fantastic, but I dare say that as long as the sky is blue, you can find brilliant light all year long. Makes up for dreary winter days. ;-)

  9. So that is a Linden tree which I thought I had not seen and then when you mention Lime I see the likeness.

  10. fascinating and very pretty. Thanks!

  11. Beautiful, sensuous picture. I can almost hear the bees buzzing. In my neck of the woods, the basswood is sometimes called 'linn.'

    1. Vicki,
      thanks for this information! I asked Google and it turns out that the American basswood is also called "American Linden" and looks very much like the European Linden tree. Both belong to the Tiliaceae family.

      "American basswood is a large and rapid-growing tree of eastern and central North America. The tree frequently has two or more trunks and vigorously sprouts from stumps as well as seed. American basswood is an important timber tree, especially in the Great Lakes States. It is the northernmost basswood species. The soft, light wood has many uses as wood products. The tree is also well known as a honey or bee-tree, and the seeds and twigs are eaten by wildlife. It is commonly planted as a shade tree in urban areas of the eastern states where it is called American linden." Source:

  12. I can almost smell the trees looking at your pictures. I can only imagine Vienna this time of year. Everything looks so fresh and beautiful.

    1. Next to my parents house there stood two almost a hundred years old Linden trees.
      I can still hear the bees buzzing in the trees during the day, and the fragrance wafting in through my open bedroom window is one of my fondest childhood memories.

  13. My mother used to sing for us children this beautiful Schubert song:
    Dietrich Fischer-Diskau singing "The Linden Tree" (Schubert's Winter Journey"
    The song's in German, but the video shows English text.

    Enjoy! :-)


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