Coffee, anyone?

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Vienna's Temple of Theseus
in the glow of
a late Afternoon in May

Pink Rose
in the late afternoon sun
in front of the Theseus Temple

The Winner
1922 Bronze sculpture
by Josef Müllner

Temple of Theseus
Built by Peter von Nobile in 1823
to house Antonio Canova's "Theseus".
Early evening sun
lights the temple
and the ring of roses
in the foreground


Did you spy
the pigeons on the roof?

"Ce toit tranquille, où marchent des colombes"
"This quiet roof, where dove-sails saunter by"
("Le cimetière marin" by Paul Valéry,
translated by C. Day Lewis)


29 May 2011
Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. Lovely roses, lovely setting, what more do you need.

  2. Dove sails. What an expression. I will remember it and always associate it with your exquisite Viennese views.

    Merisi, I must also mention that this afternoon I will meet a friend for a belated celebration of her birthday. We will go to a neighborhood coffee house that has a bit of a European flavor. Demel's need not worry about this New York place, but we will definitely enjoy its coffees and pastries. I will keep an eye out for seasonal streudels.


  3. Sam,
    I agree, it was a lovely walk into the sunset!

    "dove sails saunter by" - looking at the doves on the temple's roof, those lines immediately come to mind.
    I really like how C. Day Lewis translated Valéry's poem (even though, in French, I melt every time I read it).
    Happy Belated Birtday to your friend (who knows, we may even share the same day?), successful strudel hunting! :-)

  4. Lovely pinks and creamy whites.

  5. I once had a boyfriend that stood just like that.

  6. It's lovely to see the temple and surroundings fresh and well-tended. In my day, many beautiful places in the city were darkened by time - I scarcely recognize the Michelerplatz.

    Your photos are a great pleasure and pleasant reminders of student days.

  7. It's lovely to see the temple restored, fresh and well-tended. The city has been transformed since my student days - prettier now. The Michaelerplatz seems to have shed all its cares as well. Always impressive. So handsome now.

  8. It's lovely to see the temple and surroundings fresh and well-tended. In my day, many beautiful places in the city were darkened by time - I scarcely recognize the Michelerplatz.

    Your photos are a great pleasure and pleasant reminders of student days.


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