Coffee, anyone?

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Vienna Today
Viennese Spring

© by Merisi


  1. enjoy your springtime Merisi!

  2. The last photo with the lacy shadows is especially appealing.

  3. Lovely! The green is so green in the spring!

  4. such green hues...always makes me hopeful

    luv saz x
    ps. thank you for your lovely comments! x

  5. That wonderful yellow-green and the shadow picture! Welcome, Spring!

    I'm currently reading a book partially set in Austria in the early 1900s --WHEN YOU LUNCH WITH THE EMPEROR by Ludwig Bemelmans. You might enjoy it, Merisi.

  6. Thank you all! :-)
    I took the pictures from my windows, late morning and early afternoon yesterday. The only way I get "out" these days, voyages around the windows of my room, so to speak. ;-)
    Recent news events have me think a lot about that brilliantly blue sky and the later summer greens of that horrible day in early September ten years ago. The beauty of those blue skies forever marred.

    I put the book on my wish list, thank you!
    "The Hare with the Amber Eyes" is already on my book shelf. Will have to wait until July. Can't wait to have time to read again! ;-) Right now it is shortly before 6AM here and I am getting ready for another round of exams this morning.

  7. Charles Gramlich,
    the light and that green is what made me reach for the camera.
    This morning it is a little overcast and the magic has not appeared yet.

  8. Anonymous05 May, 2011

    My favourite picture is n°3... Love it !
    N°1 : Are the clouds playing the shadow of the tree? Or is the tree playing the shadow of the clouds ????
    I wonder which copies which...

  9. Marie-Noëlle,
    the tree was after the clouds, all the while pretending to be only a shadow. ;-)
    (I have another 40 minutes before I need to leave, and I am not sure it does me any good to crack open another book - I have forgotten everything, anyway.)

  10. it's much Springier there than it is here...
    So SUNNY!
    Here overcast, rainy and chilly
    Meh :(
    I shall move to Vienne

  11. Paris Breakfasts,
    Carol, that would be a great move! ;-)
    You'd miss Bergdorf-Goodman, the Met Museum, MOMA, Guggenheim. I do! ;-)

  12. @ who may want to know:
    Yes, I did it! --'-,-@
    Big sigh of relieve.

  13. I'm happy to report we actually have sun today in Central Ohio. Rare, indeed.

  14. So nice and so spring. Come on over if you're in the mood for macaron daydreams :-)

  15. Spring use to be my favorite time of the year. Now that I am getting a bit older I'm finding that I like the other seasons just as much. Thanks for peeks into spring where you are. I have you under my "blogs I follow" list now on A Camp Host's Meanderings. Took me a while to update.

  16. I particularly love the last photo. The shadows look more real and solid than the actual leaves!

  17. Anonymous06 May, 2011

    So very gorgeous and green!

  18. finally, it's a bit warmer :))


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