Coffee, anyone?

Monday 16 May 2011

Morning in the City

Early Birds
are flying high
around the cathedral's spire

An open window
to let in the
cool morning air

The sun climbs
higher chasing
the shadows of the night

Window cleaner
turns a shiny leaf

Forgotten revelers
exposed to the glare
of the morning sun

Two cups of coffee
for a new day make

Morning in the City
© by Merisi


  1. What a gorgeous day! (I came by earlier, but your comments were turned off.)

  2. Oh wonderful morning ! Is it the Stephansdom on the first photo ?
    Happy and nice week !
    Liebe Grüsse,

  3. Tess Kincaid,
    I am a bit at a crosswalks,
    not sure if I still have it in me
    to carry on this blog, such lighthearted nonsense.
    Thank you for always being
    such a generous heart!

    merci, the best to you too!
    And yes, it is good old beloved St. Stephen's.

  4. The Vienna I remember. I immediately recognised the spires of Stephansdom (I hope I spelt that properly).

  5. Loree,
    bingo, you are right! :-)
    I think I have never said that,
    but I really love this collection of everyday moments.
    Vienna at its best.

  6. I don' get here too often but I would feel terribly sad if you were absent when I did get to Vienna. Your lovely photos and words mean so much to me.

  7. Anonymous18 May, 2011

    I DO understand you happen to question blogging... but your photos and posts are so exquisite and attractive + so different from average blogs...
    The blogosphere would not be the same and would not revolve properly without "Mersi's Vienna ...".
    Please, do blog on !

  8. Dear Merisi,
    Such glorious blue skies! We have those so rarely here and savor them when we do. I have not had the chance to visit you in such a long while (or at least it seems that way!). I am so glad to know that I can always come back here for the teeny, tiniest of little vacations! Thank you!

    I hope the rest of your day, and this week, is wonderful!


  9. I would love to be in place of those two ladies having the morning cofee and chatting:)


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