Coffee, anyone?

Monday 30 May 2011

Coffee with Rhubarb Strudel, anyone?
Demel's seasonal Temptations

Rhubarb Strudel
and Viennese Coffee Melange

My inner helpless self,
unable to resist Demel's
in season strudels

Comfort Box
filled with candied violets,
Empress Elisabeth's favorite indulgance.
They revive your senses.
Trust me ;-)


Sunday morning
29 May 2011
during breakfast
at Demel's

Images and Text
© by Merisi


  1. still awaiting the new Demel's in NYC....rhubarb seems to be the thing these days, just saw they had some at the Union Square Market in NYC...have a great day!!

  2. Me, me! (that's on the coffee and rhubarb strudel...sounds heavenly!)

  3. I don't know. I'm not a big rhubarb fan

  4. You are teasing us with all these delicious treats this morning! I wish I were there to enjoy them too.

  5. Ooo la la - is she really a CAKE, your inner-self lady? I want her so badly for my next birthday - what the hell, I want her right now!

  6. Delightful Inner Self display. I love it and its Me when it comes to delicious things like Rhubarb cobbler. Oh yummmm. It makes me think if my Mom's tasty pie when I was young...(oh so long ago)

  7. Guten Abend Merisi,

    Ho lalalalala ! rhubard strudel ! i like it !
    your photos are fantastics like every time.
    Have a nice week.
    Liebe Grüsse,

  8. I'm willing try it with a cup of tea.

  9. Yum! I had a piece of rhubarb and cherry pie at a friend's the other night and it was a fine combination.

    Your white roses of a previous post are ethereal.

  10. NYC,
    it definitely is rhubarb season! ;-)

    The Wanderer's Daughter,
    you are welcome, enjoy! :-)

    Charles Gramlich,
    I remember from past years! ;-)

    I hope you find something rhubarby soon!

    she may be a bit dried out by now! *smile*

    Sue, food carries a lot of our memories, doesn't it?

    merci beaucoup! :-)

    I'd love to have tea with it too! :-)
    (Mostly right now, I'd love to have a piece of the strudel!)

    Vicki Lane,
    so interesting, I have never come across a rhubarb-cherry pie! I love the rhubarb-strawberry pie made by a (once) small Virginian company, "Mom's Pies" - it had a filling so finger-licking good and the best crust I have ever tasted. A scoop of Eddy's vanilla ice cream on top of the warm pie and I was in heaven. I never ate only one piece! Definitely my favorite pie ever.

  11. I'm told that we grow the best rhubarb in the world here in the jolly old UK, and we love it. JP loves it more than I and has even taught himself to cook it.

  12. I just need to say I loove that pic of the fancy ladey with jewels in her hair!! so wonderful !! Thank you for it !!


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